Saturday, November 11, 2006

Searching For Sin in New York

This is a truly sticky entry...

Robin Bougie, editor of the fabulous sleaze movie zine, Cinema Sewer, and contributer to Al Goldstien's legendary Screw Magazine, goes on a pilgrimage to 42nd street...
We came to Manhattan as younger generation classic porn fans, in search of the sleaze and depravity history has taught us about this place through word, verse, and cum-soaked porno house film stock. The Times Square and Deuce of yesteryear. We knew it was no longer, thanks to the crass, rancid Disneyfication of that section of the isle, but we came to hunt for even a lingering smell of jizz-coated ass…. just to say that we’d been there, and taken a loving whiff.
Read on to learn of their meeting with 70s porn legend Jamie Gillis and other icky things. The article is also available on The Cultural Gutter. And make sure you wash your hands after reading Robin's livejournal. Note: not safe for work... unless you work in an adult video store...

And to fulfill our monthly Public Service Announcement commitment, here is a helpful eassay called "The soul warping effects of masturbation... and how to live without it," from a website for those who want freedom from sex addiction and pornography. The opening paragraph:
One of the most fascinating characters in the Lord of the Rings movies is Gollum. Like Frodo, Gollum is a hobbit whose original name was Sméagol. Hobbits are stout people with elf-like faces who stand half the height of men; they enjoy good company with hearty beer in the local pubs, as did Sméagol… until he saw "the one ring to rule them all.”
Other highlights include:

Hey it's just a little porn and I'm no sex addict, what's the big deal?

What I wish I would have known about sex addiction 20 years ago...

now if I can just get the comment feature working again...

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