Thursday, February 19, 2009

we got Dardos!

Wow! We'd like to take a bow for the recognition of being presented with The Dardos Award twice, first by those swell French pastry chefs over at Deadilicious, and then by Samuel at MONDO 70: A Wild World of Cinema! Wow! What an honour!
"The Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web."
Like a chain letter awards, we must pass the award over to five other blogs that we like. We put our heads together, had to pull some short straws, but came up with these WINNERS!

The Undead Film Critic - Sadly, what since the time that me and the lads picked our winners, one of them is no more. While there is no set order to the awards, we would very much like to single out The Undead Film Critic, whose time with us was far too brief. I checked it daily and his flurry and variety of visual posts was a source of constant delight. I was away from regular internet access earlier this month and when I sat down to catch up on what UFC had been up to, I found that Blogger had pulled the plug on his blog which upset me to no end. We have heard from him since and he promises this:
"It might be awhile but I shall return. Zombies don't die, but we sure are slow as hell."
Please stay tuned at the end of this blog for some photos of UFC in happier days. The Scandy Factory posted an obit here.

Rad Dudes
The title says it all...
The only non-film blog here. You need a break sometimes.

The Shoot Actors Don't They
A bunch of Toronto nerdlingers stand on a soapbox and spout off on what they like and love about movies. The Finnish love them.

Cinebeats: Confessions of a Cinephile
" One woman's love affair with '60s & '70s era cinema."
It's been awhile since she posted, but when she does, we snap to it and read it!

I compare this blog to a desk day calendar that regularly inspires me from others endeavours and greatness. Simple, no frills and that's all you need. (It also has Cinebeats' Kimberly Lindbergs as a contributor.

The Dardos Award Rules are:
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2) Pass the award to another five blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.

And now some memories of UFC.
(Lights dim and fade in "We've Only Just Begun" by The Carpenters)

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